
Showing posts from March, 2023

Given a number N and an array A of N numbers. Print the lowest number and its position.

Given a number N and an array A of N numbers. Print the smallest possible result of Ai + Aj + j - i , where 1  ≤  i < j  ≤  N. Using C++.

Bubble sort algorithm using user defined function by C++

How to check if a number is Automorphic or not !!! using C language !!

How to check if a number is Lucky Number using C++.

How to check if a number is Magic Number using C programming Language!

Find all the strange number from 1 to N using C programming!

How to find out all the Adam Numbers from 1 to 1000 using C programming!

how to write Fibonacci sequence using C programming Language !

The Heap (malloc && free ) functions in C programming language !!!

Find out all the sunny number from 1 to N number using C language!

Find out all the prime numbers from 1 to N numbers using C language