
Showing posts from February, 2023

Medlibs in C++ programming language !

Check and count all the sunny number from 1 to 500 using C language!

Check if a number is Sunny Number by using C programming language!

How to make a shape using C++ programming!

How to reverse a number using goto operator in C programming!

Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation using a switch case.

pointers, dereference pointers using C programming language!

How to save the address of a variable / Use of pointer in C programming!!

Number of meatballs ate in last 5 days and average of total meatballs ate!! (for loop,string,array)

Guess the sum of the output of two dice rolls!!Calculate is they are same or different!

How to sort out random numbers from smaller to greater by using C programming!

Calculate Electricity Bill by using C programming !!

How to calculate the stats of a player by looking through their recent goals and number of games they played !!